/BCO-DMO/Costa_Rica_Seeps/Alvin_Log_AT37-13 --Date eq 20170525-- Level 1

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# Log of Samples Collected During Alvin Dives
#  **NOTE: This log is preliminary. Edits/corrections/updates are expeJune.
#  AT37-13 ROC HITS Costa Rica,  May 20-June 11, 2017
# PI: Lisa Levin (UCSD)
# Version: 12 Sept 2017
Dive  Date       Site                 
4910  20170525   Mound_12             
Depth       Location                             Habitat                                       Activity                                  Type                       Rep_no                                                                  Samp_no  Photos           Sections_etc                                                                                                      Fate          Remarks                                                                                               x       y       Lat             Long              
997         Active                               Carbonate                                     Active                                    Carbonate                  Rock 1-A                                                                nd       Rouse Camera     Rock processed for counts and isotopes                                                                            nd            300 and 42 micron fractions in EtOH                                                                   nd      nd      8 55.82074 N    84 18.74555 W     
997         Active                               Carbonate                                     Active                                    Carbonate                  Rock 2-A                                                                nd       Rouse Camera     Rock processed for counts and isotopes                                                                            nd            300 and 42 micron fractions in EtOH                                                                   nd      nd      8 55.80446 N    84 18.68121 W     
992         Inactive                             Carbonate                                     Inactive                                  Carbonate                  Rock 3 - I                                                              nd       Rouse Camera     Rock processed for counts and isotopes                                                                            nd            300 and 42 micron fractions in EtOH                                                                   nd      nd      8 55.82074 N    84 18.74555 W     
992         Inactive                             Carbonate                                     Inactive                                  Carbonate                  Rock 4-I                                                                nd       Rouse Camera     Rock processed for counts and isotopes                                                                            nd            300 and 42 micron fractions in EtOH                                                                   nd      nd      8 55.80446 N    84 18.68121 W     
988         Active                               Bacterial Mat                                 Active                                    Pushcore                   PC 4                                                                    nd       nd               0-1; 1-2; 2-3; 3-5; 5-10                                                                                          Formalin      nd                                                                                                    nd      nd      8 55.78276 N    84 18.74555 W     
988         Active                               Bacterial Mat                                 Active                                    Pushcore                   PC 5                                                                    nd       nd               0-1; 1-2; 2-3; 3-5; 5-10                                                                                          Formalin      nd                                                                                                    nd      nd      8 55.78276 N    84 18.74555 W     
988         Active                               Bacterial Mat                                 Active                                    Pushcore                   PC 6                                                                    nd       nd               0-1; 1-2; 2-3; 3-5; 5-10                                                                                          Formalin      nd                                                                                                    nd      nd      8 55.78276 N    84 18.74555 W     
988         Active                               Bacterial Mat                                 Active                                    Pushcore                   PC 9                                                                    nd       nd               0-1; 1-2; 2-3; 3-5; 5-10                                                                                          Formalin      nd                                                                                                    nd      nd      8 55.78276 N    84 18.74555 W     
988         Active                               Bacterial Mat                                 Active                                    Pushcore                   PC 10                                                                   nd       nd               Live 0-1; 1-2; 2-3; 3-5; 5-10; eDNA                                                                               nd            nd                                                                                                    nd      nd      8 55.78276 N    84 18.74555 W     
1002        Active                               Bacterial Mat                                 Inactive                                  Pushcore                   PC 12                                                                   nd       nd               0-1; 1-2; 2-3; 3-5; 5-10                                                                                          Formalin      nd                                                                                                    nd      nd      8 55.96722 N    84 18.40311 W     
1002        Active                               Bacterial Mat                                 Inactive                                  Pushcore                   PC 13                                                                   nd       nd               0-1; 1-2; 2-3; 3-5; 5-10                                                                                          Formalin      nd                                                                                                    nd      nd      8 55.96722 N    84 18.40311 W     
1002        Active                               Bacterial Mat                                 Inactive                                  Pushcore                   PC 14                                                                   nd       nd               0-1; 1-2; 2-3; 3-5; 5-10                                                                                          Formalin      nd                                                                                                    nd      nd      8 55.96722 N    84 18.40311 W     
1002        Active                               Bacterial Mat                                 Inactive                                  Pushcore                   PC 15                                                                   nd       nd               0-1; 1-2; 2-3; 3-5; 5-10                                                                                          Formalin      nd                                                                                                    nd      nd      8 55.96722 N    84 18.40311 W     
1002        Active                               Bacterial Mat                                 Inactive                                  Pushcore                   PC 18                                                                   nd       nd               Live 0-1; 1-2; 2-3; 3-5; 5-10; eDNA                                                                               nd            nd                                                                                                    nd      nd      8 55.96722 N    84 18.40311 W